mourning // dancing

I wrote these two entries in my journal 9 days apart. proof that God is always at work, often before we even know what to pray. proof that mourning and dancing are never as far apart as we like to think.  < april 4, 2016 > prayers said in the shower always seem to carry […]

a post I’m writing instead of texting you

I’m sitting in my bed, reading all the journal entries I ever wrote about you, when a familiar melody drifts into my window. “No,” I think, “That can’t be the song I think it is.” But it is. Of course. What other song would it be? Soy un idiota te perdi, pero te amo. I recognized […]

redo (an open letter for the last time)

I want a redo. Because even though I know life isn’t fair – once, just once, I would like it to treat me with some respect. I have a lifetime’s worth of mistakes when it comes to you, and I can’t bear another one. So, a redo would be nice (thank you very much). The […]

Struck Down but Not Destroyed

Well. Today I think I truly had my heart broken for the first time. Sure, I’ve been hurt before, but this was something a little more real, which made it hurt just a little more.  Today the boy who thought he could wait for me decided that he couldn’t do it after all.  If you […]