it’s not over

(an old post that I didn’t know how to finish until now) I had forgotten how easy it was to talk to you. I didn’t need the reminder. I bet you forgot, too, how easily we make each other laugh. I bet you forgot how easy it was to read each other’s silences. I know […]

the finest words you ever said to me

it’s nights like this I find myself re-reading the letters you wrote me. I know you used to worry that I’d break up with you, that much is clear. you told me over and over if I ever left, you’d always wait if I ever decided to come back. the thing you forgot to account for […]

for your one day

whether it’s tomorrow or next week or ten years from now – I know you’ll have a one day. at least, that’s what I tell myself to make it through the few moments I allow myself to be alone. one day, he’ll understand. one day, he’ll know exactly what he walked away from. so here’s for your one […]

a post I’m writing instead of texting you

I’m sitting in my bed, reading all the journal entries I ever wrote about you, when a familiar melody drifts into my window. “No,” I think, “That can’t be the song I think it is.” But it is. Of course. What other song would it be? Soy un idiota te perdi, pero te amo. I recognized […]

I don’t love you, but I always will

three years ago, when you told me you had a girlfriend (and completely crushed my heart), I stood on the top of a parking deck crying and watching the sunset. my friend sat with me, and we talked (and I yelled/cried/lamented) over chips and queso, about you mostly. it was then that I boldly stopped, […]

pero, te amo

isn’t it funny how life moves in circles? 3 years ago, I was halfway through an 8 month long, self-imposed purgatory. of course, I didn’t know it would be 8 months at the time. I simply asked him to wait, and so he did. 8 long months of flirtation and heartache, with more tears than […]

ain’t it funny how some people pop into your head so easily

I know all the roads between your house and mine just like I know all the lines on the palms of your hands although neither of these things can really tell the future we predicted how this story would end before it ended remember? we would smile, and laugh, and joke about it you’d kiss […]

redo (an open letter for the last time)

I want a redo. Because even though I know life isn’t fair – once, just once, I would like it to treat me with some respect. I have a lifetime’s worth of mistakes when it comes to you, and I can’t bear another one. So, a redo would be nice (thank you very much). The […]